
Full List of Approved Vendors

No vendor should provide any service or materials to any GVCS student without having a copy of a current GVCS purchase order. GVCS is only obligated to pay for classes/materials included on a current PO received by the vendor in advance of the service being provided/material being sent.
All materials must be shipped to the ordering EF. No materials may be picked up by a parent or EF directly from the vendor.

General Information for Current & Prospective Vendors

GVCS will approve vendors providing goods and outside services to students according to the following guidelines:
  • Vendor must provide goods or services that further the educational goals of a public school student.
  • Golden Valley Charter School (GVCS) may not provide anything of value to a GVCS student that a school district could not provide to a similarly situated student. This does not mean GVCS will provide all materials or programs available from a particular local school. GVCS EFs, GVCS administration, and the GVCS Board have final say in what items and services will be made available to GVCS students. In addition, not all items available from an approved vendor will be available for public school use.
  • Vendor must be open to and serving the general public.
  • Vendor must be willing to accept purchase orders.
  • Vendor must be willing to invoice for goods and services after the receipt of said goods or services.
  • School funds cannot be used to purchase any religious materials or services for a student. This includes instruction, books, tapes, CDs, etc. If these items are ordered and filled, the merchandise will be returned to the vendor.
Specific requirements for service vendors:
  • Vendor must provide services in a public facility appropriate to the nature of public school use. This means that the vendor must assure that the facility being used for the service meets either the Field Act or local city codes for safety. 
  • Vendor will bill monthly for services.
  • For California service vendors: Vendor must be a California Department of Justice (DOJ) applicant agency and certify that they have requested records from the DOJ as authorized by Education Code 45125.1 for all applicants, employees and volunteers that may have supervisory or disciplinary control over a minor. A business wishing to become established as an “applicant agency” with the California Department of Justice, in order to be authorized to submit background checks as a contractor, should contact the California Department of Justice at [email protected]. Application forms may be accessed on the following website:
  • For Non-California vendors: Vendor must have requested and obtained criminal background check information records from an authorized agency of the state in which it is located or operates for all employees or volunteers that may have telephonic, electronic (including email, facsimile, or internet “chat room” discussions) or other contact with any student of GVCS.
  • Vendor must hold and provide a copy of a current business license.
  • Vendor must hold and provide a copy of a current certificate of liability insurance for a minimum of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence / $2,000,000.00 general (annual) aggregate according to Ventura County Schools Self-Funding Authority recommendation.  Activities which involve vendor-provided transportation require the vendor to hold and provide a copy of a current certificate of auto liability for a minimum of $5,000,000.
  • Vendor must add GVCS as an additional insured to said liability insurance policy and submit proof annually.